Following a successful partnership launch in October of New York City FC’s inaugural season, NYCFC and Alcatel have taken their partnership to the next level. As the Official Smartphone Partner of NYCFC, Alcatel helped incorporate technology into the Club’s current tutoring program, modernizing the sessions and making learning more engaging for the digitally-savvy teenage participants.
In anticipation of the summer, the time of year when aptitude drop-off is most prevalent and severe, Alcatel provided Alcatel POP 7 LTE tablets for each tutoring session before school let out in June to help each student reach their individual summer goal. The tablets were used over the next three months and quickly became an integral part of the tutoring sessions that took place at US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, Huffington Post’s office, as well as NYCFC’s midtown office where Club employees volunteer and work with students on a weekly basis.
Now, with the kickoff of the new schoolyear, NYCFC and Alcatel have collected data from the middle and high school students that participated to see how well the program was going. Excitingly, the data has proved that this digital integration has been a success.
- 100% of participants agree that the tablet makes learning easier
- 100% of participants agree that the tablet makes tutoring more fun and makes them personally more engaged in the sessions
- 100% of participants agree that it’s important for kids to have access to tablets like the Alcatel One Touch Pop Up 7 LTE
Other notable stats include:
- 50% of the participants say that they use the tablet everyday - which includes time outside of the official tutoring sessions
- Students use the tablet most for research (58%)
Stemming from the success of this pilot program, NYCFC and Alcatel will continue looking for ways to enhance the Club’s tutoring program with new devices that encourage the students to become more technology proficient and invested in their own learning. The team will also continue to use survey data to inform best practices and strategy moving forward.