
Ben Roth Owns First Ever New York City FC Jersey


On December 5th at 8AM at the Modell's Sporting Goods in Times Square, Benjamin Roth became the first person ever to purchase a New York City FC jersey. This is his story:

What is your name?  Ben Roth

Where are you from?  Originally from Springfield, New Jersey, but moved at age 9 to Gillette, New Jersey.

Where do you go to college / play soccer?  I go to college as a freshman student-athlete (soccer) at St. John's University, based in Queens.

What are your thoughts about being the first person to get the NYCFC jersey?  It's hard to even wrap my head around the idea.  Over the years there's going to be millions of jerseys bought, so the fact that I'm the first person to buy the jersey is just surreal.

How cool is it that you are an actual local who was able to get the first jersey?  It definitely means more that I'm local and that this club will mean something to me on a personal level.  Everyone has their home club they admire and for myself and plenty of other from the metropolitan area, NYCFC will become theirs too.

How did you first hear about NYCFC?  I'm an avid MLS fan in all aspects, so the rumors were flying when Don Garber was going to announce the latest expansion franchise, so when NYCFC was actually announced I was ecstatic. A dream come true.

How long have you been supporting the club?  I've been supporting the club since day 1.  Claudio Reyna has been my childhood idol since as long as I remember so when he was announced as the first employee, I knew the club was in good hands and I was hooked.

Favorite NYCFC player?  David Villa, Chris Wingert, and Patrick Mullins all for different reasons.  Villa because he played on one of the greatest team's of all time while with Barcelona and with their attractive style of play, it's impossible not to admire a player like that. Wingert definitely because he's a local guy and played at St. John's University where I currently play so he's someone to look up to. Also, I like Mullins because I write about college soccer so I've covered him through the years and for me he's the best college player I've seen in recent history.

What are you most excited for with regards to NYCFC?  As a season ticket holder, I'm most excited just for the season to begin. With all of the recent roster movements, it feels like the team is finally coming together and I can't wait to see them play as a unit.

The first game is now just over 80 days away, any message for the fans in NYC?  To the fans I would just say, this is greatest city on earth so let's make the atmosphere at the games among the best in MLS and hopefully carry the team to an MLS Cup.

Message for the players and people who work at NYCFC?  To the players and staff at NYCFC, it's an honor to root for an organization with the philosophy NYCFC carries and I can't wait to watch the team play. The whole city of New York is behind you, make us proud. GO NYCFC!