
Best of #NYCFC: The Northern Tip of Cascadia

Away support vancouver best of

NYCFC had their four-match win streak halted by Vancouver on Wednesday night, but our supporters never stop. New York City was well-represented out in Vancouver, a city 2500 miles from the place these diehards call home. 

We'll see you all again on July 19th, when your commute to the match will be a little bit easier!

NYCFC Travels Well

Like we said, our supporters never stop. They were out in strong numbers, making BC Place rock as loudly as they could. It's always a treat to see friendly faces in far away places, and we couldn't ask for anything better. 

Legends Always Get an Audience

As a soccer fan, if the likes of Andrea Pirlo and David Villa aren't enough to make you punch a ticket to Vancouver, nobody is. Both legends were in the starting lineup on Wednesday, both played up to their billing, and both popped up all over the internet! 

Good thing they're pretty photogenic! 

Even warmups are too fun to miss!

Gotta have those quick feet quick feet quick feet!!! 

A Nice Surprise Back Home!

One. Hundred. Inches. Of NYCFC! The only way you could possibly beat that is by actually being at the game. 

Do they even make bigger screens than that? How do you get it in the door? So many questions!

Thanks again for coming out, ladies and gentlemen. 2500 miles and the Canadian border can't stop our fans!

Best of #NYCFC: The Northern Tip of Cascadia -