
Football Effect: The Healthy Hat-Trick Scores Big with Kids

Kids with the Healthy Hat Trick

New York City FC's Community program introduced The Healthy Hat-Trick, an educational workbook, to five public elementary schools within the city this past spring.

The pilot program of the workbook, which was designed to complement the soccer program and encourages young children to lead a healthy, active lifestyle through eating a balanced diet, exercise and setting goals, was a big hit among the 150 children aged 8-11 in schools in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx.

More than 96 percent of students surveyed from each school enjoyed taking part in The Healthy Hat-Trick, while the majority of those surveyed also said the workbook helped improve their physical activity and eating habits in a positive manner.

Football Effect: The Healthy Hat-Trick Scores Big with Kids -

The Healthy Hat-Trick is an educational workbook narrated by fictional players that comprise a cartoon soccer team. The workbook also includes nutritional and soccer advice from New York City FC players David Villa and Frank Lampard, head coach Jason Kreis and Manchester City Women's FC star Toni Duggan. The content was a collaborative effort between New York City FC community coaches, school teachers, nutritionists and Andy Barr, New York City FC Head of Medical and Performance.

The goal of the workbook is to promote soccer, fitness and nutrition by empowering New York City youth to lead healthy and active lifestyles. Young leaders are being trained to deliver the program to communities across the city.

The initiative will be expanding to other schools city-wide for the upcoming school year.

Survey Results

  • 96% of kids enjoyed taking part in The Healthy Hat-Trick

  • 91% feel their soccer skills have improved since participating in The Healthy Hat-Trick

  • 87% agree The Healthy Hat-Trick has helped improve their fitness

  • 83% feel their confidence has improved since participating in The Healthy Hat-Trick

  • 83% have tried to eat a healthy diet every day since participating in The Healthy Hat-Trick

  • 77% of kids feel The Healthy Hat-Trick has made them choose healthier food

  • 70% have enjoyed going to school more since participating in The Healthy Hat-Trick

Football Effect: The Healthy Hat-Trick Scores Big with Kids -
Football Effect: The Healthy Hat-Trick Scores Big with Kids -
Football Effect: The Healthy Hat-Trick Scores Big with Kids -