
Join Patrick and David at #NYCFCHouse for CITC

David Villa PS 2 Image

City in the Community (CITC) would like to invite you to join them in celebrating the positive impact soccer has in improving the lives of young people. Help CITC in its goal to bring soccer to every underserved school and community in New York City.

Date: September 19, 2017
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Location:NYCFC House | 446 W 14th St. New York, NY 10014
Ticket Price: Individual Tickets: $250 | Host Committee: $2,500 - four tickets to the event, recognition at the event, invitation for two to team post-match meal at Yankee Stadium

Want to support City in the Community but can't attend the event? Donate by clicking on the donate button below.

More about City in the Community:

City in the Community (CITC) is a registered 501(c)(3) charity. All donations are tax deductible. 100% of the proceeds raised from ticket sales will go to benefit CITC.

CITC was launched in New York City in December of 2014. With the support of fans, CITC uses the power of soccer to promote health, education and leadership development and create safe community spaces, where programming is free of charge for more than 4,000 young people each week. Learn more about CITC.