
New York City FC teams with Manchester City FC, Melbourne City FC in $600,000 football charity initiative

Cityzens Giving

New York | New York City FC, along with City Football Group Clubs, Manchester City FC and A-League side Melbourne City FC, have announced a $600,000 charitable investment as part of Cityzens Giving, a program that allows City fans to extend the ‘football effect’ to areas of need across the globe.

The project, which is the first of its kind, gave New York City FC Season Ticket holders and thousands of Cityzens (Club members) from Manchester City and Melbourne City the opportunity to pledge $8 to youth led charity football projects in six cities. Funded from City Football Group’s 2013/14 annual revenue, the program aims to improve the lives of more than 2,000 young people in disadvantaged communities through the power of Soccer.

The funding will help the projects to address a range of issues affecting young people, including tackling gang crime, HIV education and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Commenting on the announcement, Tom Pitchon, City Football Group’s Foundation Director, said:

“City Football Group’s community commitment dates back to the founding of Manchester City FC as a means to address social deprivation in Manchester. Today, all City Football Group clubs and each of the regions we operate in have strong community programs.

“Cityzens Giving puts our fans at the heart of this, by letting them decide how we fund community football programs locally and worldwide. We are particularly pleased that these programs extend to cities where we have no physical presence, but where these projects are making a real and positive difference.”

“I have personally been inspired by the engagement and support from our season ticket holders and I look forward to joining with them to support more young people through the power of football.”

Paul Jeffries, spokesperson for New York City’s project, City in the Community Program added:

“The funding provided will enable us to build new programs, in partnership with South Bronx United, BW Gottschee and Downtown United SC. These initiatives will promote positive change for young people here in New York City. We are even more excited to be part of a global initiative that will connect us to other young people around the world.”

Alongside Manchester City and Melbourne City’s ‘City in the Community’ programs, New York City FC will contribute to over 50,000 young people benefitting each year from programs that will boost health, inclusion, education and help fight youth unemployment.

The funding will see over 100 young leaders in six cities deliver programs that will help more than 2,000 young people.

Cape TownGirls First will train 20 young female coaches to deliver football based HIV prevention sessions to 600 township girls and women.

Kuala Lumpur – Through the Lead Program, over 200 young girls from disadvantaged communities will take part in a weekly football sessions combined with tuition and support to help them continue their education.

New YorkCity in the Community will train 18 young leaders to deliver healthy lifestyle messages through football, reaching out to over 400 young people and their families across the city. 

Manchester – Led by a team of youth volunteers across Manchester, Boots & Beats will provide 500 young people with access to night time football and music sessions, combined with pathways into qualifications and jobs.

MelbourneI Speak Football will train 20 young coaches to run weekly inclusive football sessions for 100 socially isolated young people, building friendships and a sense of community through the global language of football.

Barranquilla – The Urban Football Project will help over 200 young people in Colombia to escape the dangers of gang violence and drugs.

Learn how City in the Community uses the football effect every day in New York.