
In Quotes: NYCFC 0-1 Atlanta

David Villa In Quotes vs Atlanta

All of the key soundbites from the home locker room following our home defeat to Atlanta United…


On tonight’s match & looking ahead to the second leg in Atlanta…

“Today, it’s a bad result for us but I reminded my players, we need to imagine it’s a final. We need to win the next game. If you’re able to win the next game, you need to score at least one goal. 1-0? Extra time. If you’re able to win the game and score two goals, you are in the [Eastern Conference] final.”

On what needs to be adjusted heading to Atlanta…

“We need to win the game. I have to find the best solution and the best team to play better. I agree with who played the game in the second half. The second half we played much better, we can play side-to-side, we can play two against one. We played well the second half, they defend very well but we just need to win the game. We don’t need to win 2-0, 3-0, 4-1 - no, no - we need to win. If we win at least 1-0, it’s extra time, if you score 2, you are in the [Eastern Conference final], it’s as simple as that. We need to improve, absolutely. We need to improve for the next game because they have quality and the first half, we didn’t play well because we didn’t have the connection between the central midfielders and the strikers. We didn’t defend well, the set pieces especially. Every single corner, every single free kick, they could finish. We have to improve because in a semifinal or a final, you have to be focused on that, in every single action. But I am happy at the second half because I think we played much better - not in the first half and we have chances to win in Atlanta, why not? They have a good team but New York City as well. Our intention is to go to Atlanta to win the game because we need to win.”

On Maxime Chanot…

“Maxime, the last month, has played amazing, incredible. He has a special quality, he has a desire to win. It’s about the mentality. The mentality Chanot has shown in the last month is incredible. He was a leader for the defenders, the same with [Alex] Ring and Yangel [Herrera]”


How Atlanta’s physical game affected NYCFC attacking game…

“No, I think the first half we didn't play that well from the back, I think the second half we played much better. Their corners and set pieces were dangerous, it's the playoffs and they did a good job but nevertheless we shouldn’t have conceded a set piece.”

On what they will like to continue next week…

“I think we changed the way we were playing a little bit, pushed a bit higher on the sides. I played alone in the midfield, I think that gave us a better rhythm maybe, where we were better spread out in the pitch than in the first half. You have to give them credit, they did well the first half and they know we like to play from the back, but I think we showed in the second half that if we play like that we’ll have a really good chance in Atlanta.”

On having to win the match in Atlanta to advance…

Exactly, it’s one game and we have played there before, we know we can score goals there so yeah, I’m not worried. I’m looking forward to it, like I said, [the] playoffs are what we’ve been working for all year and I’m sure we are going to bring our “A” game when we show up there.”


Thoughts on today’s game…

“I think given our position now, Atlanta is going to be a final. We win and we give ourselves a chance. It’s one goal. If we score two, it’s gonna be a fight. So we just have to treat it like that and It’s gonna be an exciting game. I think we’ll just have to come prepared again. You know, we’d love a goal [today] but not conceding the second goal after conceding one of the set pieces is important.”

Confidence level on the road for this team right now...

“Obviously we know what we have to do. Nothing really matters in the past going forward now. I think it’s really down to a belief in the group and I think we’ve had a little more belief in us the past couple of games and even tonight in the second half. I mean, we came out and tried to take it to them. So, we’re not really looking into our struggles in the past leading up to this next game in Atlanta, so we’re just going to treat it like a final.”

How did Atlanta prevent NYCFC from attacking...

“I think they did a good job at pressing. I mean, the way they set up, they knew how we wanted to play. I think it was just gonna be a battle to see if we could win a second ball. And I think they won a few more second balls in the first half. But when we did play a little more direct and win a second ball, we were able to advance the ball up the field quite rapidly. So that’s kinda how the game was at home earlier this year for large stretches and away as well…[it] didn’t catch us by surprise if you will. But I think obviously we can improve and figure out a better way to advance the ball and gain more control of the game, cause when we do that, we score.”