
Trending: KC's Catfish & Pirlo in GQ

GQ Pirlo

A day late, a buck short…

Welcome back to the weekly web feature which came out a day too early to catch that Cristiano Ronaldo statue unveiling…


Yes, we missed all of the fun at Madeira Airport but there’s still plenty of other delights which have been earning all them #numbers on social media in the last seven days…

April Fools

April 1 came and went but not without all manner of pranks being pulled off by soccer teams all over the globe.

We had our own bit of mischief with the “announcement” that we’d adopted a local pigeon named Theodore but we’ve got to doff our caps to Sporting KC for this outrageous catfishing of rookie Colton Storm.

Talk about hazing!

The Bravest Fan

Germany’s Revierderby prompted a manhunt of epic proportions as this Dortmund fan braved the Schalke end.

BVB defender Marc Bartra sent out a social media search party and his quest was completed…

Pure Passion

Staying in Germany, a Mainz supporter delivered a rallying motivational speech to the relegation-threatened team last weekend.


Eat Like Andrea

Need some dietary tips? You could do a lot worse than listen to Il Maestro. Andrea Pirlo has spoken to GQ and revealed how he prepares for games…

Dog Racing

When dogs and soccer meet… Over to the English non-league circuit where this pup caused carnage during Halesowen vs Skelmersdale.

Sean Johnson Article

We finish with a great read from the New York Post last week which uncovered NYCFC goalkeeper Sean Johnson’s love for fast cars and fishing.

Well worth a read if you missed it!

Oh, and here's that statue just in case you've been living on Mars for the last week...

More next week!

Trending: KC's Catfish & Pirlo in GQ -