
Trending: New Year New Goodness

The New Year brings new content for us to share with you, the fans, and for the first Trending of 2019, there is no shortage of material floating around on social media for us to show off! While Netflix dominates the hashtags these days, we’ve also got medieval tapestries and a league-wide blooper reel. There’s a lot out there to show you, so let's get to the best of it!

MLS 2018 Blooper Reel 

We’re weeks away from preseason and as we look forward to what the new year will bring, we also have to look back at last year’s (weirdest) moments. MLS put together a reel that contains bloopers from the 2018 season that will certainly draw out only the best emotions. 


Paul Pogba has been back on his game recently. After teammate Ashley Young attempted to interrupt Pogba’s interview with an excellently placed ball, Pogba returned the favor by casually discarding the ball with no shoes on, without skipping a beat. Too cool. 

Insult To Injury

As if he wasn’t in enough pain, Bernardo, a player from Brazilian side Trinidade, was slightly inconvenienced as the medical cart made its way to assist the injured player. He might not be doing too well, but on the bright side, his team got the win 1-0. 

Don't Look 

Bird Box has taken the zeitgeist by storm, so it's a given that the blindfolds would eventually make it to the pitch. While we’re not sure this video was taken since the film released, it certainly still keeps us entertained. That keeper’s strategy is sound if you ask us. 

Game Of Inches

English art duo @CheapPanini create football related tapestries to mix traditionally woven art with contemporary events. This time, they decided to replicate the events of a recent Manchester City/Liverpool match that came to a thrilling conclusion a few weeks ago. The ball hath shadows.

Trending: New Year New Goodness -