
Trending: Winter Warm-Up

Alright then, Blues. January is nearly complete and pre-season is just around the corner, but you know the game never sleeps! On this edition of Trending we’ve got some awesome skills from young players, a bit of self-awareness from professional players, and more soccer-related goodness! So, let's get to it, we’ve got content to share!

Ariana Is Grande

Watch as young Brazilian Ariana Dos Santos tears up a group of boys on Instagram. There’s not much more we can say simply because our jaw is still on the floor.

Imitation Is The Greatest Form of Flattery

Manchester City winger Raheem Sterling has a rather unusual stride. Fortunately, Raheem has a great sense of humor and was all laughs when a video of a goose came strutting down the timeline. Never Stop

Young Jordan grew up always wanting to be a professional soccer player, but he always thought that his learning disability would get in the way. Thanks to FC Bellvue in Wales, Jordan now gets his shot at glory. Rumble young man!

Fair Play and Fair Pay

Lewes FC and Lewes FC Women became the first club in the world that pays both their male and female sides the same amount. Creating an environment that is truly equal for the players who all play the same game. Equality FC.

First Timer

This young Galatasary fan is psyched to visit his first match in Turkish league Galatasary Stadium. Listen to the kids!

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